Saturday, 15 September 2012

How To Choose The Right Web Hosting Service

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by: Evan Nasseri

The exponential growth of web hosting industry can be attributed to the fact that the internet has reached every nook and cranny of the world. This wide reach of the internet provides an excellent opportunity for marketing and promotion for various business houses out there. For marketing, promotion or even to provide information about your business on the internet, you need a website. So, web hosting is like a foundation for a website, on which website is built and functions. A web hosting service has the potential to make or break any online business. That’s why it’s very crucial to choose your web hosting service wisely and don’t afraid to spend some time to compare the services and prices of various companies in the market, because once chosen it’s very difficult to change the web hosting service for your website. First, let’s have a look at the types of web hosting services that are available on the market.

The web hosting chosen by any businessman or webmaster generally falls into one of the three categories; shared web hosting, dedicated web hosting and VPS web hosting. As it’s quite clear from the name itself, the shared web hosting is that type of web hosting service in which the same server is shared by many different websites. The result is a very slow response time. If you wonder that why would anyone in their sane minds, and chose this slower service, then I would like to tell you that there are many, for whom this type of web hosting, proves to be actually good as well as economical. There are lots of smaller businesses out there, who cannot afford the dedicated web hosting for their business websites. The second reason is that their website doesn’t get that much traffic. That’s why, the shared web hosting works perfectly for them, as it’s cheaper and an economical way to make your entry into the web space.

For those who don’t want to disappoint their users, no matter what; dedicated web hosting provides them that luxury. With shared web hosting; there are many problems that are associated with the shared servers. For instance; from the load of so many websites; the server may crash and suffer hardware failure. So the webmasters, who have their websites on shared web hosting, have this constant fear that their website can go offline at any instance. However, with dedicated web hosting, you can rest assured- no matter, how high the traffic is; the server will remain in the optimal state. Apart from functioning effortlessly even at the times of peak traffic; dedicated web hosting services have lots of other advantages too. For instance; you can virtually turn your site into an e-commerce store with the help of certain applications that work only on dedicated web hosting.

For businesses, which look for affordable web hosting solutions but with the same level of service as the dedicated server provides, then the best option is VPS or Virtual Private Server web hosting. In this service, many websites use the same server, but with the help of software, the shared server serves each of these websites independently that makes the performance at par with dedicated web hosting.

To sum it up; the success of your website depends on your web hosting service to a large extent, and that’s why it makes sense, to choose your web hosting service carefully.


The 1HOST offers reliable and premium web hosting services with a focus on direct service associates.


1 comment :

  1. Really useful article about Website Hosting.
    My sharing about hosting.
    you need consider what site your are making,how much space needed,bandwidth needed for your site,security etc..and select your hosting plan.You can host 5 to 10 pages website in shared hosting.If your site is very big site with many images,videos you can host it in Dedicated server or else VPS
    hosting.If your site is PHP,PERL,Python with MYSQL database you can host it in Linux Server.If
    your site is HTML or .net based with MSSQL you can host it in Windows server.
    while selecting hosting provider.You can consider the plans ,service,customer reviews,ratings,price and support.You can compare these factors with one provider to another provider and select the best one.I would suggest the site here you can get best Linux,Windows based hosting plans at low cost.I have hosted my sites here only.
